Good email newsletters offer a breath of fresh air amongst the mundane daily scroll and here are some I genuinely await every week.
Hello dear readers! If you feel podcasts and books does not interest you, maybe give these newsletters a try?! (You know I am gonna make you adapt at least one of them :p)
Brain Pickings
Brain Pickings is the brain child of Maria Popova, an interestingness hunter-gatherer and curious mind at large. It is a human-powered discovery engine for interestingness, a subjective lens on what matters in the world and why, bringing you things you didn’t know you were interested in — until you are.
A culmination of full of pieces spanning art, design, science, technology, philosophy, history, politics, psychology, sociology, ecology, anthropology, and more; pieces that enrich your mental pool of resources and empower combinatorial ideas that are stronger, smarter, richer, deeper and more impactful.
Only catch is, maybe you'll find the interface in the mail tad annoying, so I'd recommend you to go the website link through the email to make it easy to the eye.
Beyond The First Order
This is legit the first thing I read after I wake up every morning.
(Well I am single so no cheesy Good Mornings for me, what choice?!)
A daily newsletter that demystifies the hidden models, incentives and consequences of the most significant events across India offered by The Ken.
It is a paid newsletter but boi, I think this is an investment. I love their candidness, wit and brevity. Their weekly newsletter 'The Nutgraf' is a delight as well.
If you are fed up of bias and content that is mostly unworthy of news, you should definitely subscribe.
A sneak peek into the candidness:
3-2-1 Thursday
If you have read 'The Atomic Habits' you'll know who James Clear is but maybe you don't know about his newsletter.
“The most wisdom per word of any newsletter on the web.”- and he abides by it.
Each message includes 3 short ideas from him, 2 quotes from others, and 1 question for you to ponder. (I mean literally, no bullshit)
You know my allegiance towards food and nutrition hence this one.
Through this fortnightly newsletter, covering topics like mindfulness, productivity, slow living, sustainability, genuinely useful recommendations of products and books, links to read, and of course food.
I recently subscribed to it and I am fangirling big time on Nandita Iyer and her work.
Oh, it has some comely artwork too! Surprise, Surprise!
Austin Kleon
Every Friday morning he sends out a list of 10 things — new art, writing, and interesting links straight to your inbox. Whenever I feel I have got nothing interesting to read or watch (which is not so often :p but anyway), he has a remarkable repository of information worth having a look.
Doesn't this tempt you?!
A few that I am reading rn (Btw, I landed up here because of Bird by bird, loved the description, added to my list + This is water looks very interesting (valedictorian speeches, of course) : David Perell's friday finds , Wait but why is very interesting (I love the copy writing). I keep on preaching a favourite essay that I keep hammering on everyone: "Unbirthday & other presents by EV Lucas, I just love it (12th Std literature). Some Newsletters that I think are interesting (recently subscribed, can't really recommend, you can explore): , , Thank you for above, I was only aware of James Clear's NLs. :)