Discussing book recommendation from Bill Gates next📚

Hi readers!
We concluded the first book club in Mumbai yesterday and I am really excited to host the second one.

The pick for the next meet is - 'The Rosie Project' by Graeme Simsion. It's a fun, quirky and erudite love story. This book is one of those rare gems that most people could relate to on some level recommended by Bill Gates himself. For those who have watched The Big Bang Theory this is basically 'Sheldon in love'.
Venue: The Canary, Andheri West, Mumbai
The registration fee includes F&B worth Rs 300. You may register here:
For book club virgins, the idea is simple:
Step 1: Order the book. Give it a pre-read. (The discussion becomes more enriching if you read the whole book, trust me it is not a fat read and you will laugh out loud while reading)
Step 2: Join us at the venue. (Yeah, that’s it)
It would mean the world to me if you could share this event with fellow book nerds in Mumbai and if you are in Mumbai, do join in.
Happy reading :)
With love and gratitude,
The Hummingbird🌺